Second accomodation: Bridgeport, lot of fun!

9/13/2009 / Posted by yoann /

Given that 1 euro = 1.46 dollars (when i am typing this post) it's really interesting to purchase stuff like: games console, electronic devices, TV set,.... moreover when you can divide the price into the number of buyers.

Well for the moment, we did it only for games consoles:

-a Playstation 2 :

-a Wii :

And as international students, it's really usual to invite each other at one's home before parties... and more especially after parties ^^
Though, everyone knows that a Wii or a Pro Evolution Soccer after-party is simply Legendary!
Well, we really enjoy ourselves during this kind of party.

Sometimes, we take time to cook delicious meals.
Below, the succulent home-made lasagnes:

Palak is practising his Super-Gay attitude... ^^

...while Barack (the teddy bear) is giving me a big cuddle (so cute this Barack!)

...while Ludo is doing the washing-up:

...and while Alexandre is "trying" to find a job!
It's the financial crisis, so obviously you have to resort drastic measures to get one!


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