First "accomodation"... just temporary

9/12/2009 / Posted by yoann /

We had to taste the local specialties. It was quite good!

Nice view of a Chinatown street. Full of Chinese restaurants.

The huge Yann's bedroom!!! We call it the "cupboard"!
Yann, don't be angry at me, but i really had to show it! ^^

Here are Jerome (left), Yann (center) and Palak (right) in the flat.

My first "accomodation" in Chicago. Actually, Yann and his roomates accepted to put me up for a few days, just giving me time to find an appartment. So here was i, in Chinatown, not far from the campus and the downtown. And to tell the truth, Chinatown look well its name! Everything is chinese there and it's even hard to feel that you're in the United States!


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