A little expedition in Chinatown

9/12/2009 / Posted by yoann /

Here is located Chinatown Chicago

Chinatown from the redline subway station viewpoint.

This kind of "weird" street represents the typical back of the "real" streets, that passers-by used to see without concern themselves with what is behind it. It's a kind of hidden face of the streets and it's really surprising to see the contrast between the two faces...
Why me here? well... i should have certainly dropped sth behind the wheely bin... ^^

Here is a kind of rare specimen that you can find in Chinatown. She was selling sth, i don't remember... But, she had a surprising style, a flashy purple bikini, pink and blue paint on her shoulders and chest, and (it's not that visible here) a scary nose piercing...
Well, certainly a kind of "efficient" way of doing street marketing... Apparently, it seems to work with the european tourist prototype.

At the back of this picture you can see again the 95%-naked-nose-piercing-flashy girl !
To tell the truth, that's this -at first sight- nice viewpoint which has convinced us to go further in that direction.

Welcome to Chinatown!!


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